Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MIT: Campaign Tracker

Hi, Just a quick note about my campaign on Indiegogo. This campaign has had a brisk start and I want to thank all you have donated so far. If you haven't donated, that is ok, but if you could share this with your friends or colleagues, that would be great!

I am promoting this on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Does anyone else have any ideas on how to promote something like this. Your help would be invaluable!

Thanks for stopping by and the tracker for this campaign is shown below. Stop by often to see how we are doing!

Friday, April 24, 2015

MIT: Indiegogo Campaign

How is everyone? Hope is all good! By my previous posts, you know about my wife's and I Monarch butterfly raising. We are doing this to help raise the population of these pollinators as the weather, urban expansion and pesticides have taken a toll on these precious and vital insects.

Well, I really want to take it one step further and now we are going to be beekeepers! The only bad thing about beekeeping is it is not free to do like raising Monarchs. So, I have started a campaign on Indiegogo called To Bee or Not To Bee!

If you have not heard of Indiegogo, it is a crowd sourcing site where people help other people with their projects. So, I am asking you for a little help to please donate to To Bee or Not To Bee and help us get our beekeeping started!

Have you ever used crowd sourcing before? Have you ever heard of or used Indiegogo before?

Well thanks in advance and just to let you know that there are nice little perks that go along with donating!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

MIT: Monarch Migration Part II

The other day, I posted about where the Monarch Butterfly was in its migration from the over wintering spot in Mexico. Well since then I have found an awesome video made by the Google Earth team.

This video gives a first hand view of the monarchs migration and their path both in the spring and in the fall. This video is outstanding and is easy to understand.

I hope you enjoy this video and remember to plant some milkweed (host plant) and flowers (nectar plant) so we can get the population of the Monarch up again!

Do you have any milkweed on your land? Do you have any nectar plants for the Monarch?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

MIT: One World Trade Center Elevator

As you may know, the construction of One World Trade Center is complete and is now the symbol of New York City. and America,  as the previous World Trade Center once was. Technology has advanced tremendously since the original WTC were built.

In One World Trade Center a really cool feature has been added to the elevators that service the Observation Deck. The walls in these five elevators show a time lapse video from Manhattans' discovery to the present time. have included a video of this below.

The video is really remarkable and the parts I like the best are the creation of the World Trade Centers, which eventually disappear also, and the completion of One World Trade Center.

What did you think of this video? What do you like or dislike about it?


Sunday, April 19, 2015

MIT: Monarch Migration

Well it is about time for Spring and that means one thing! The Monarchs are coming! Yep, the beautiful Monarch Butterfly is slowly making its way from Mexico, where the stay over the winter, up to the northern regions.

My wife and I have been raising, mostly learning, Monarchs the last two summers and we are getting prepared to get started again this spring. Their migration map shows the closest sightings in Illinois, Kentucky and Minnesota. So in around three weeks or so, they should be arriving in Michigan to begin their summer mating before they head back to Mexico this fall.

The reason we raise them is because their population is seriously low and by breeding them we actually give them a 90% more chance to survive to adults.

Have you seen a  Monarch butterfly yet this year? Have you ever raised them?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MIT: Raspberry Pi Daily Published

Saturday, April 11, 2015

MIT: Extreme Couponing

I have always been a fan of the show Extreme Couponing! It is amazing that people can use sales and coupons and get so much product for so little or even FREE!

Earlier today, my Wife and I went to Kroger with our bundle of coupons, Now we didn't just take coupons and go, there was a lot of planning to co-ordinate the coupons with the sales and also take advantage of Kroger's Digital Coupons. Although we don't get the savings like they do on Extreme Couponing, because there is no stores around here that doubles coupons and allows unlimited coupons on an item, but we still saved 41% today!

We do get a lot of help from and as they have a lot of these combos already planned for us. I would highly recommend using these two websites to help you plan your shopping trip.

Below is a copy of the receipt that shows how much we saved today. As you can see it is a whopping $76.34!!! That does not include the additional rebates we get from, Checkout51 and! These sites will give you rebates on certain items in exchange for you uploading your receipt. They use these receipts for a database of info for retailers to look at.

I hope this gives you some incentive to start couponing and helping your family save some money.

Do you use coupons?  If so, how long have you been using them?